0121 350 8335


Free Initial Meeting

Retirement Planning

Achieving financial independence means having enough income at a point in time, to decide whether to work or not. When planning for your future, you need to consider the lifestyle you want when you retire and how you'll support it.

Our Services


How we work

As Independent Financial Advisers we are free to advise on a comprehensive range of issues and where required access products from the whole market.

The Advice Process

Initial Meeting

At this meeting we find out what help you require and whether it is something we can help you with. We will let you know the services we provide and how we charge for them.

Fact Find Meeting

The next step is a Fact Find Meeting where we gather information about you, your income, expenditure, assets & liabilities and establish your goals and needs. We will also discuss the level of investment risk you are comfortable taking when investing your money.

Initial Review, Research & Plan

We then get down to reviewing your existing plans & policies and conduct research from the whole market on products to meet your goals and needs. We will prepare a plan for you providing a broad overview of your situation and our proposals. We will set up a meeting to discuss our findings and tell you what we propose to charge you for our services if you wish to proceed.

Advice Report & Recommendation

If you agree with our proposals & charges discussed at the planning meeting we then proceed to draw up a personalised advice report with our specific recommendation for a product which meets your goals & needs, with a level of investment risk that you are comfortable with. We then set up a meeting to discuss the report & run through our recommendation in detail, answering any questions you may have.

Implementation of the Agreed Strategy

We then set about implementing the recommended arrangements, helping you complete the necessary paperwork and submitting it to the relevant providers.

Ongoing services

It is important that the initial recommendations that we have made continue to be appropriate for your needs going forward. We will monitor your investment funds & products, making adjustments if necessary to reflect any changes in your circumstances, goals, legislation or markets. We will carry out comprehensive reviews at agreed intervals either face to face or by telephone.